Saturday, October 17, 2009

Leadership is a Process

Leadership is a journey, not a destination.
It is a marathon, not a sprint.
It is a process, not an outcome.
~ John Donahoe, president of eBay

What is it that you are passionate enough about that you are willing to lead.  Our world and our communities need people who are courageous enough to lead.  I am not talking about running for a political office or becoming the President of the PTA.  Instead I am talking about leading something that you are passionate about.  Be a leader on a project for a local community organizations that helps provide for a need in your community.  Be a leader for your son or daughter by being involved in their activities, don't be the parent who drops them off and runs.  Be a leader for a group of people who have the hobby or interest, take the initiative to pick up the phone at get two or more of you together.

Why don't we take a leadership role more often?  Are we afraid that we might make a mistake or "fail".  It takes courage to lead, and you may not have a 100% success ratio.  It does not matter if it is perfect or not, because others will still appreciate your effort. Without your leadership they would not have had the opportunities you provided through your actions.  Leadership is about courage, the willingness to see a need and take action "towards" a goal.  That is right it is action "towards" a goal.  You may or may not complete the goal exactly like you envisioned it, but you will have taken action.  You will learn from your leadership position and be able to achieve even more the next time you lead.

Leadership is a process!  Do not limit sharing your leadership and passion by entering into it think it has to be done completely right the first time.  Perfectionism kills progress. Pick something you care about and make a difference today.

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