In his book Tribes, Seth Godin shares an amazing analogy about making the choice about being a person who is happy with the status quo or being someone who wants to initiate change. Seth shares:
A thermostat is far more valuable than a thermometer.
The thermometer reveals that something is broken. The thermometer is an indicator, our canary in the coal mine. Thermometer tell us when were spending too much or gaining market share or not answering the phone quickly enough. Organizations are filled with human thermometers. They can criticize or point out or just whine.
WOW! How great is that.
The world is filled with thermometers, you are probably thinking of a couple right now. You know the people, the ones who are always judging and complaining about how things are without being willing to take action to make a difference. Thermometers always find the problems but are unable to find a solution.
Image yourself being a thermostat. You are always aware of the environment you do business in. You see the ups and downs, the opportunities and the challenges. What makes you unique is that you take action. You turn on the heat to take corrective action or to initiate change. You are making choices to take action that will result in improving the environment you do business in.
When we are willing to be an agent or change in our organization, we succeed in reaching Peak Achievement Today.
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